Getting it right
It is so important to think about what you want to do better, things you do not currently do but want to and finally what you might want to stop. To get you thinking here are some popular things that a Project Office could provide:
- Gatekeeper of your project management methodology and standards
- A pool of project support staff to seed onto critical projects
- Consolidated management reporting
- Cross-project dependency management
- Resource management
- Issue & risk management
- Coaching and guidance
A roadmap for delivery
Once you have got your vision nailed down and decided on the functions your Project Office is going to perform we will work out how best to get it up and running. Maybe it is small steps; maybe it is a big bang or somewhere in between. Either way we will help you work it all out.
Helping you along the way
So now you’ve decided on the role and functions of your Project Office and defined the roadmap we’ll help you with the Project Office implementation. As your project office evolves we can provide interim staffing, along with coaching and training of your own staff and as it develops we’ll just pop in every now and then to make sure it’s all going well.
We implement high performing project offices to improve project delivery
We have experts on hand to discuss and advise how we implement project and programme offices.
Contact us or call us now on 01235 841594.
Improve visibility, control and co-ordination in a multi-project environment
Service highlights:
- Project Office design
- Project Office service offerings
- Project Office implementation
- Project support staff resourcing