Our project reviews can help you predict the future

Imagine being able to discover that your flagship project is likely to fail long before it does.

Imagine being able to take some preventative action – there and then.

Now that is an enviable position to be in.

We are a trusted provider of independent project assurance, providing project audits, project health checks and expert objective assessments.

Our in-depth project reviews get right to the hub of the problem, highlighting immediate issues and any areas that would benefit from improvement.

Most importantly, we uncover issues before they become business critical.

Our project reviews are suitable for both Agile and waterfall approaches and cater for both IT and business change projects.

We have a team of reviewers who specialise in areas such as software development, Agile methods, testing, infrastructure and deployment, who can be called upon to look at any specific technical areas that need examining.

So what makes our project health check and project audit so good?

Our project reviews cover the entire project landscape including

  • Project scope, objectives and achievability;
  • Change management;
  • Development methods and approach;
  • Implementation approach;
  • Governance;
  • Resourcing;
  • Stakeholder management;
  • Business case and benefits realisation.


Our people are key to our project reviews

  • We are an established and trusted provider of project management expertise;
  • We use a tried and tested framework and a multi-point evaluation tool;
  • We use expert reviewers and all of them have a wealth of delivery experience;
  • They know what it takes to deliver a successful project;
  • They know what the pitfalls are too;
  • Our project reviewers know how to ask a good question and when to ask it;
  • No-one has ever pulled the wool over our eyes either.

What will you get from one of our reviews?

  • You will know where any issues and potential problems are
  • You will know what is working well and what areas might need improvement
  • Most of all, you will have the opportunity to take action

Your critical project could be failing by the day. Don’t let that happen

Commission a Project Health Check or Project Audit today and set your project up for success.

Contact us or call us now on 01235 841594.


Rest assured in the confidence that your project is going to be set up for success

Service highlights:
  • Encompass both agile and waterfall projects
  • Use a proven multi-point evaluation tool
  • Professional, discreet, completely objective
  • Expert, professional, experienced reviewers
  • Fixed price, time-boxed review
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